However in the introduced range of Florida, these populations freely interbreed, forming an admixed population.
Many grevilleas interbreed freely, and some specially picked hybrids have been grown for sale.
Two groups that are not freely interbreeding are presumed to be on separate evolutionary paths.
Between all humans, all traits can be shared and any "race" can freely interbreed.
A small isolated group, interbreeding freely, swapping genes about - a mutation sticks, and they begin to breed true.
In the standard view, populations must be geographically separated and unable to interbreed freely for evolution to drive them to diverge at any pace.
The subspecies were previously considered separate species, but all interbreed freely wherever they meet.
A zero value implies complete panmixis; that is, that the two populations are interbreeding freely.
And yet there are clearly certain groups of individuals that freely interbreed, to the exclusion of other groups.
As such it can and does freely interbreed with populations of red jungle fowl.