The town has a small bus station for intercity lines.
The Liverpool and Manchester Railway, considered to be the world's first intercity line, opened in 1826.
There are nearly 440 municipal bus lines serving over four million passengers every day, in addition to intercity lines.
Mobile phones became all but useless, intercity lines were clogged and major Internet servers reported overloads.
In addition, the station has some normal intercity lines as well.
Amtrak left CUT in 1973, using a smaller train station built directly upon the intercity line along the lakefront.
Osaka's municipal government had maintained tight controls over transportation within the city, and most intercity lines terminated outside the city center.
The Hungarian company Volán also runs hundreds of articulated buses on intercity lines.
HSR is the de facto standard for constructing new intercity lines.
The Transrapid system has not yet been deployed on a long-distance intercity line.