As early as 1987, escalators were installed on the platforms for intercity traffic.
In 1962 the company started to produce models M65 and M66, which were very popular for intercity traffic.
It is not known if this capacity expansion will also be used for intercity traffic travelling eastwards following the cancellation of the München 21 project.
These problems are primarily capacity related as the route is only double track and serves both local and intermediate commuter as well as intercity traffic.
Due to the density of the autobahns and expressways, Bundesstraßen are less important for intercity traffic.
Commuter trains from all three branches were now routed into the Randolph Street Terminal, while intercity traffic continued to terminate at Central Station.
The highway serves as a spur into Columbia from its northeastern suburbs and from intercity traffic traveling from I-77 and I-20.
But Amtrak carries only one-half of 1 percent of all intercity traffic, at a public cost of $27 per passenger.
The contract included two options, one for 16 trains for intercity traffic and one for 6 trains for regional traffic.
Freight transportation continued to labor under regulations developed when rail transport had a monopoly on intercity traffic, and railroads only competed with one another.