Ideas on a way for the interdependent economies to get back to business are scarce.
The railroads "had created an interdependent national economy, and now an economic downturn in the West threatened .
First, we are shifting from being an isolated, virtually self-sufficient national economy to being part of an interdependent global economy.
In everyday life, however, as we become an increasingly interdependent global economy, I would look for a renaissance in cultural and linguistic assert!
Proposals were put forward for managing the closely interdependent economies of the republics.
A 'new historical community the Soviet people' had come into existence, based upon a common destiny and an interdependent economy.
It is a complicated notion, intended to assert greater governmental control over currencies and interdependent economies.
In today's vastly more interdependent global economy, indifference to human rights abuses outside our boundaries is also becoming less tolerable to Americans.
In the case of Fairfield County, he added, "an interdependent regional economy may be coming into conflict with Yankee independence."
These partners identify a common objective that fits in one of the two main Volens themes: "interdependent economy" and "appropriate training".