She returned to Vung Tau on 7 December to continue supporting coastal interdiction operations.
Similarly, the Navy conducts some interdiction operations at sea, but generally does not act on its own initiative.
Drug-laden small planes or ships cross easily, even with recently intensified interdiction operations.
What he was considering now was a series of seemingly disjointed and unconnected bits of information on American interdiction operations.
That's how we gauge success or failure in our interdiction operations.
Also carried out some support and interdiction operations.
On 8 May, she departed the Philippines to return to "Yankee Station" and resumed interdiction operations.
The unit engaged in both strategic bombing, close air support, anti-shipping and aerial interdiction operations.
Although the 373d Group was primarily concerned with ground support and interdiction operations, it did, on several occasions, engage the enemy in aerial combat.
Their doctrine ranked air operations importance as being primarily concentrated on strategic bombing, with interdiction operations secondary, and close air support last.