As an interdisciplinary subject, animal studies exists at the intersection of a number of different fields of study.
By including life cycle models through energy and materials flow, ecological design was related to the new interdisciplinary subject of industrial ecology.
So, for example, interdisciplinary subjects are difficult to fund for journals because they have a small audience.
The faculty of the family taught interdisciplinary subjects.
In addition to his research -and teaching activities he got involved with interdisciplinary subjects concerning theology and natural science.
As an interdisciplinary subject, data science draws scientific inquiry from a broad range of academic subject areas, mostly related to the hard scientist.
Geophysics is a highly interdisciplinary subject and geophysicists contribute to every area of the Earth sciences.
First degree courses may be single subject, interdisciplinary or combined subject.
However, a single structure is insufficient when dealing with an interdisciplinary subject.
One interdisciplinary subject would last for two to six weeks, according to age.