"Nobody's interest affects what we do with our players," he said yesterday from his Atlanta office.
But The Insider is a movie that asks you to think hard about how corporate interests affect what media companies do.
I have personal experience of this - and consequently, an obsessive interest in legislation affecting buses.
I want to give you an example of how interest on the city's debt aversely affects the city's ability to pay for other necessary services.
Significant interests, "importantly affect the global environment in which the US must act".
Economic development, mass tourism, globalization, and national interests have all affected the country's historic legacy.
And does this interest directly affect the look of contemporary art in New York?
But studies present strong evidence that financial interests can affect decisions, often without people knowing it.
How does their interest in it affect their relationships with their friends?
"Japan isn't unique in having strong domestic interests affecting big trade negotiations," he said.