All other players often co-operate (without collusion) to prevent the bidder from reaching his bid, though selfish interests can supersede this.
After all, didn't it make sense that the best interests of humanity at large should supersede the value of any individual human being?
Gradually the interest in carving superseded everything else.
Many Latvian employers argue that economic interests must supersede historical grudges if the Latvian economy, one of the poorest in the 25-member European Union, is to become competitive.
For Mr. Mrazek and some other politicans who live in districts without wilderness, the national interest in preserving chunks of Federal land supersedes the states' concerns.
It symbolizes that the interests of the People supersede all.
Don't you think he can review the past in his mind and see where his favor might have been used to protect a man whose own interests superseded those of his country?
"The notion that the collective interests of a majority supersede individual rights is indigenous to Quebec," Peter Blaikie, a English-speaking lawyer in Montreal, said.
If so, Judge Broadman's claim that the state's interest can supersede reproductive rights will fall on dangerously receptive ears.
The interests of big money, whether economic or financial, and the major powers always supersede the interests of solidarity.