I immediately got into the line of touristy folk interested in trying their hand at throwing an ax and sticking it in the butt end of a log that had been set up as a target.
A grand workbook, and inspiration tome for folks interested in effectively using consumer protection legislation and available myriad legal emedies.
"The program gets to folks most interested in making sure these lighthouses survive and gives them direct ownership."
You folks interested in a feature on the ortolan?
Jody was as much interested in the Lantern Hill folks as Jane herself.
"Well, the other end of putting out a paper depends partly on how much money you've got to spend and partly on how good you are at keeping the folks interested in ... in ..." "In Crime and Underwear?"
But if he was, why are some folks - with Venageti connections - so interested in him?
This is just another junket for unelected, unrepresentative folks, more interested in filling their pockets, rather serving their won citizens.
Bandelier is an excellent choice for folks interested in ancient pueblos.
To the Editor: "Every Dog Has Its Data" (Sept. 10) gives an interesting overview of the silly and serious sites available to "dog interested" folks browsing the Web.