Dix studied him like an art collector studying an interesting painting.
Sometimes what makes a painting so interesting is not the finished piece, but the painstaking steps the artist went through to bring it to life.
In the latest period of her work, her ability to create fresh and interesting paintings started to fade.
There are also interesting old paintings of the 10th century representing the ancient abbey.
It was some of the most interesting painting any American was doing at that time.
It is an interesting painting to examine within the context of the tense relationship between the young king and his mother.
There are many interesting paintings with a medieval theme, by Portuguese artists, behind the high altar.
Four are included here (along with eight less interesting paintings) and they still look rich and lively (Johnson).
There's an interesting painting on the gallery,' he said. '
The interior, which has some interesting 16th-century paintings, may be visited only from July 15 to the end of August.