Under their system, physicians get more by denying services than rendering them to patients - an interesting reversal of traditional values in our society.
While the first-quarter performance of American stock funds largely continued past trends, there were some interesting reversals of recent patterns in funds that invest abroad.
So skillfully is this accomplished that in an interesting reversal, the sculptures themselves seem the very essence of their showy yet subtle and intricate surfaces.
In one of Ms. Page's interesting reversals, it is the stepfather who reaches out for communication - as does the daughter's lover (Lewis Arlt).
This represents an interesting reversal of the usual critic/public relationship.
It was an interesting reversal.
He released his first album, titled Bruthal 6, it contains 15 tracks and an interesting reversal of Smells Like Teen Spirit.
In an interesting reversal, Zhou himself is now the subject of scholarly scrutiny in an exhibition, organized by Hongnam Kim, at the China Institute in America.
A professing neoconservative in earlier days, Mr. Weaver now declares himself a liberal - an interesting, and unexplored, reversal of conventional evolution.
This is an interesting reversal, I guess.