However, he was able to see the reason for the added tension on those days and not to allow that to interfere with his overall progress.
Depression does not refer to temporary moments of sadness, but rather to a disorder that affects development and interferes with the child's progress.
It was a good path; nothing interfered with their progress.
As for me, life kept interfering with my progress.
I rather interfered with their progress too, for a while.
Surely the local authorities had known this, so had not interfered with our progress.
They included worsening economic conditions for poor families and an increase in fatherless black households, social factors that interfere with students' educational progress.
We can't afford to have anything interfere with Iomides's progress.
Home rule, he said, "would protect us from the city administration and other interests which oppose our development and interfere with our progress."
Nothing had interfered with its progress until it had encountered Doc's electromagnetic wall.