The interference by the Government of Canada resulted in members being elected to the assembly who favoured English as the only official language.
Your interference has jeopardized a Greek counterterrorist operation and resulted in the escape of at least one suspect.
Any further interference by the physio will be included in the referee's report, and should result in a longer suspension.
The potential interference and umpire's call resulted in a solo home run for Cano, the Yankees taking a 1-0 lead at the time.
Also, electrical interference to telephones or headphones may result in damaging acoustic noise.
The interference with the property must result in actual harm.
Even when several parties are involved, outside interference could result in an inefficient outcome.
However, Sam's interference with events resulted in the fire killing his parents instead.
It is important that each aircraft uses a different channel, otherwise interference could result.
Mr. Links said if the network were adjacent to a military base, some interference might result.