This added an additional measurement uncertainty to any length result in metres, over and above the uncertainty of the actual interferometric measurement.
Altair was later observed to be flattened by infrared interferometric measurements made by the Palomar Testbed Interferometer in 1999 and 2000.
At other times, interferometry is done using 1.8 meter Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs), which are dedicated to full-time interferometric measurements.
It is estimated to have about 50% more mass than the Sun, while interferometric measurements show it to be 15 times larger in diameter.
By the end of the 1980s, the laser spectroscopy of hydrogen had reached the maximum precision allowed by interferometric measurements of optical wavelengths.
In Figure 6, an infrared interferometric measurement of a one-cm piece of the InGaAs modulator is shown.
B(e) stars frequently rotate rapidly, which has been confirmed by interferometric measurements of the rotational distortion of Achernar.
For example phase-squeezed light can improve the phase read out of interferometric measurements (see for example gravitational waves).
The random error of interferometric measurement of position due to discrete character of photons registered can be attributed to quantum noise.
This was the first interferometric measurement of any object outside the Solar System.