In 2009-2010 he was the interim chair of the department.
He served again as interim chair from July to December 2007.
He retired in 2006, but was recalled in 2012-2013 to serve as interim chair.
This interim chair is a good man.
Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Board resigned before his term was up, and a new interim chair had to be appointed.
He is also currently the interim Chair of Judaic Studies there.
He is an associate professor at Emerson College and interim chair of the visual and media arts department.
Marshall, however, refused to give up his interim chair and "panel members had to wrestle the gavel away from Marshall".
For several weeks in the spring of 2011, she served as interim Chair of the Democratic National Committee.
Rohrer then became vice chairman of the party and during 1972 was interim chair when Rouse decided to temporarily step aside to campaign for Gardner.