Early last year, the agency issued interim guidelines that essentially restricted distribution and market research on such tests to doctors' offices, hospitals and clinics.
These recommendations were published on October 25, 2001, in Update: Investigation of bioterrorism-related anthrax and interim guidelines for exposure management and antimicrobial therapy.
This interim guideline is intended to provide guidance until the completion of on-going research activities and the development of globally harmonized device performance specifications.
Mr. Fehling said the state was operating Sutter Buttes under interim operational guidelines that call for holding the status quo.
Well before then, I would hope that we can issue interim guidelines for comment.
NIOSH currently offers interim guidelines for working with nanomaterials consistent with the best scientific knowledge.
An F.D.A. official acknowledged that instead of clearing the air, the interim guidelines have muddied the waters, and the agency is trying to figure out what to do next.
Patients, he said, would be screened according to the interim federal guidelines.
CDC has developed new interim guidelines for hospital response to casualties from a radiological or nuclear emergency.
On Friday, the Council of Bishops, meeting in Chicago, accepted the statement as providing interim guidelines for the church.