Taking aim at intermediate distances is done with a ramp sight graduated between 400 and 800 meters.
When light from a distant object is absorbed by passing through gas at an intermediate distance, dark lines in the spectrum may appear.
The 1.6 mm inlay is placed inside the cornea and has a small aperture that gives clearer vision at intermediate and near distances.
The color marker ranges from red indicating short trips, to yellow for intermediate distances, and to green indicating long ones.
This intermediate distance is consistent with electron delocalization: the electrons for C-C bonding are distributed equally between each of the six carbon atoms.
Lelei, a diminutive, 28-year-old runner from the Rift Valley, won three successive major road races in the summer at intermediate distances.
The intermediate distances to points on the meridian at the same latitudes as other stations of the survey may also be calculated.
At intermediate distances somewhat smaller ones occur, but in these the arch is not pierced, neither do the feet penetrate into the wall.
A bat lives in a world of echoes from near objects, distant objects and objects at all intermediate distances.
They noted that the mega-bonebed is positioned an intermediate distance between the ancient coastline and the Dinosaur Provincial Park bonebeds.