RAG and Otho, bored by the discussion, had got into one of their interminable arguments.
Grag and Otho had resumed their interminable argument.
His visit turned into an interminable argument about what he could and couldn't say, about what the warrior would want to know, and what Chernon would have to tell him.
"You all go," Acorna said reasonably and before the decision-making turned into one of the interminable arguments the men all seemed to enjoy so much.
The friend had vanished abruptly after escaping arrest on sorcery and heresy charges issued by the High Council of Pergassos, and Thirg had almost forgotten their interminable arguments.
According to Collins, the marriage quickly degenerated into a string of "interminable arguments... and hearty crockery-throwing rows."
They like drawing you into an interminable argument.
He hadn't really expected any retraction from McClune, and he certainly didn't want another of those interminable theological arguments--no, diatribes--that had punctuated McClune's tenure in his church.
This way, the interminable arguments about whose numbers are correct can be replaced by sensible and informed discussions about the real issues.
I find it hard to recall another account of the Jewish community in the country that conjures up so convincingly the feverishness of the period, its interminable arguments, its anger and exaltation.