Trailerville" almost dies in the first act during an interminable stretch when Jessica Lynn Hinkle, the lighting designer, has the stage so dark ("Get it, audience?
He risked it, bolting from behind the low fountain wall and across what seemed an interminable stretch of open darkness.
Mrs Randolph thought she had never met a more charming child, interested in everything, finding beauty everywhere, even in those interminable stretches of pulpwood lands and lumber forests in New Brunswick.
India is one vast farm--one almost interminable stretch of fields with mud fences between. . . Think of the above facts; and consider what an incredible aggregate of poverty they place before you.
"Doc, this isn't going to work," Miles said suddenly, breaking what had been a seemingly interminable stretch of silence.
For one interminable stretch, the militia and some villagers discuss collectivization of land.
The motel was off the Boston Turnpike and to reach it Sarah had had to drive through the center of the city, her five-year-old Ford getting clogged in the traffic for interminable stretches of time.
You don't have to bother with absurd plots or sit through interminable stretches of boring music.
As I gratefully left New Mexico behind, we hit an interminable stretch of road through Oklahoma, a 500-mile straight line through corn fields wilting under the biggest heatwave in living memory.
There didn't seem to be a break in that interminable stretch of armed trees; but finally the man located a place where, by creeping upon all fours, they could avoid the thorns.