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The sound of sirens was coming in again from the highway, and I could see the intermittent light of an emergency vehicle.
There are Muybridge-like motion studies, and parts performed in intermittent light, which allow the audience to see only fragments of the action.
His countenance was still obscure in the intermittent light of street lamps as he walked rapidly toward an avenue.
Blood flew on the air, intermittent light from discharging guns, screams of pain and horror.
A revolver in the man's fist was sparkling with every gleam of the intermittent light.
It was implicit in the intermittent blue light he had been following since weeks ago.
Maguire found it hard to focus in the intermittent light.
She hadn't recognized Diane as someone from the dinner party and in the intermittent light, scarcely noticed the face of this admirer.
In the intermittent light he could make out the shape of a solitary oak tree, spreading great arms from its short tremendous trunk.
After about five minutes I began to see weak, intermittent light ahead in the direction of the target.