Seldon's psychohistory also foresees an alternative where the intermittent period will last only one thousand years.
The child was drowsy and faded-looking during the intermittent periods, and was sad to see.
Patients have described the pain as a dull ache that grows worse over time, with intermittent periods of sharp, jagged pain.
Despite intermittent periods of decline and destitution, it was the largest town in the county of Sussex by 1600.
The academic day is divided into eight periods filled with at least five classes, a lunch period, and intermittent free periods.
Meteorologists say the battlefield has been swept by several weather systems since the war began, producing intermittent periods of rain and cloudiness.
For the third day running today, the intensity of the battle appeared lowered by bad weather, with low cloud and intermittent periods of driving rain.
What I remembered was happiness, mischief, a great exuberance that had made me forget for intermittent periods the deprivation and hopelessness of my life.
Product categories that are sold year round but experience a surge in sales at intermittent periods are good candidates for pulsing.
Lifting weights is like a meditation: intermittent periods of con-centrated activity, with intervals of rest.