Mild and intermittent symptoms often resolve spontaneously.
Asthma is a disorder of the lungs that causes intermittent symptoms.
This challenge-dechallenge-rechallenge approach is particularly useful in cases with intermittent or vague symptoms.
I was diagnosed as being asthmatic at the age of 48, although on reflection I suspect that I had probably suffered mild intermittent symptoms in childhood.
They are considered a good first choice for treating stable COPD in a person whose symptoms come and go (intermittent symptoms).
Twenty three children had more severe but intermittent symptoms and nine had chronically severe disease throughut the year.
Short-acting beta2-agonists are used for treating stable COPD in a person whose symptoms come and go (intermittent symptoms).
The patients with AL and AH presented with chronic, intermittent, obstructive symptoms, which developed into a severe form that required admission to hospital.
The new findings did not hold among moms with intermittent depressive symptoms.
She said he exhibited only intermittent flu-like symptoms before taking a sudden turn for the worse on the night of his death.