Its long morning shadow fluttered like the shadow of a window-shade blown by an intermittent wind.
All the useless intermittent wind powered generators won't be any use in exceptionally cold weather when windless anticyclones typically prevail.
Their circuit took a painfully long time and was made even worse by the intermittent wind that kicked up enormous clouds of sand.
Out of the intermittent wind, and away from the sun, Margaret found her headache subsiding, and decided she must be even more tired than she had thought.
The intermittent wind helped keep Fiben cool as long as he was on the eastward slopes, but the westward side faced the afternoon sun and was sheltered from the breeze.
It was sand, sculpted by a million years of intermittent wind into hillocks and waves.
The air was crisp and biting with an intermittent wind gusting up to five or ten kilometers per hour.
The intermittent wind carries bits of conversations to them.
But the hardness and narrowness of the beams, the cutting edge of the intermittent wind, their several flesh wounds, and the general hopelessness of their situation made sleep a misery.
The wind, sharp, intermittent and bringing with it now and then a flurry of snow, flapped their clothes about them.