The entire island of Jamaica was visible to him, a large dark shadow intermittently lit by the lights of the towns.
When I had the latch released I stepped aside and shoved it open and stared into the darkness that was intermittently lit by the reflected glow from a blinking light on the street below.
Rain poured down out of a black sky, intermittently lit by white and red and green threads of light.
The intermittently lit scene reminded Bagabond of a Ken Russell staging of hell.
If it is desired to light a roadway (perhaps due to heavy and fast multi-lane traffic), to avoid the dangers of casual placement of street lights it should not be lit intermittently, as this requires repeated eye readjustment which implies eyestrain and temporary blindness when entering and leaving light pools.
Very kind...' The sunshine that had intermittently lit the morning was gone now; grey cloud was thickening over the sky, sweeping down the valley on the wind that rippled the lake.
There was the smell of burned metal from the high voltage contacts, and the black mouth of the tunnel was lit intermittently by the flash of a welder's torch; I suppose there was a night crew along there, working on the rails.
Apparently a "compartment" of the vast ship, was dimly and intermittently lit by eerie "powerfield eruptions" which appeared and vanished in there like heat lightning.