The internal inconsistency of this theory is troublesome to mainstream economists, however.
He is soon to hold hearings on the policy, hoping to embarrass the Administration into taking a harder line by exposing its internal inconsistencies.
Their criticism of neoformalism is generally not based on any internal inconsistencies.
Firstly, there are also (as with biology) some internal inconsistencies to social psychology which need making clear.
Some of these are simply internal inconsistencies.
Moreover researchers have found that internal inconsistencies in hospital case notes are common, especially in children with a low birth weight.
He is best known for using an author's own writings to highlight internal inconsistencies in the authors ideas.
It would also include study of the client's data to find internal inconsistencies.
The investigators acknowledge that each of these theories has internal inconsistencies they cannot explain.
Even if one is falsified, that might be discovered through internal inconsistencies.