The individual floors are accessible by means of an internal stairway, as well as a spiral wooden stair on the tower's exterior.
Split level homes tend to be designed with multiple internal stairways and half-floor landings inside the building.
The internal stairway was blocked by falling rock and debris.
Also completed were several new seminar rooms, new internal stairways between floors, and new windows installed on every floor.
Steep, narrow, internal stairways leading to the upper floors occupy roughly 25 percent of the interior area.
An internal stairway leads to the room on the first floor.
There was an old plough dimly seen blocking the rotted internal stairway.
Behind the courtroom, a narrow hallway led to an internal stairway, and from there, to a holding cell.
It is likely that some of the closed off arches along the internal stairway from the ground floor to the first floor, led into this building.
An internal stairway connects to the deck below, which contains an extra-charge Thermal Suite.