The heated towel rails have an internal thermostat, to prevent overheating, automatically switching if they do overheat.
This regulation is now carried out by an internal thermostat.
I agree that one way to maintain an ideal weight and control appetite is by "resetting" your internal thermostat.
The thought of sharing a bed with Derek was enough to raise anyone's internal thermostat.
"Maybe my internal thermostat's messed up," she muttered, though she didn't really think so.
As previously mentioned, two of the 3 heaters would be wired to the Rocon Digistat, the other to the internal thermostat.
She had grown a little wary of the terrific strain using the power seemed to put on her heart and lungs and internal thermostat.
Even as she spoke, Jani felt a chill flood her limbs that had nothing to do with her wonky internal thermostat.
"I have an internal thermostat, madam, that is in good working order."
On Sunday, he wouldn't mind a light rain to keep his internal thermostat on cool.