Inspection of the boulders reveals that the weathering patterns are not due to any internal variations in the rock, but have been superimposed onto the surfaces.
Such a perspective does not recognize the existence of internal variation within this group.
North-central and Central Vietnamese varieties are fairly similar with respect to tone although within the North-central dialect region there is considerable internal variation.
Note some of the definition boundaries allow defining an internal variation.
The data units are called symbolic since they are more complex than standard ones, as they not only contain values or categories, but also include internal variation and structure.
Due to large internal variations of government policies, the data will enable analyses of policy impacts in the process of population ageing.
They appear to have a standardized design with few internal variations.
There are a number of wards within the Worcester District, reflecting a marked internal variation in soil types and micro-climates.
In the relatively small area of Slovakia, my own country, we have diverse cultural regions with their own internal variations.