It will provide travelers who are members of the American organization or its international affiliate with 477 beds at $19 a night.
A previous $217 million settlement reached two months ago fell apart after an insurance company controlled by Andersen and its international affiliates refused to pay.
The majority of its membership is located within the United States, though it does boast some international affiliates.
The AAA has reciprocal arrangements with a range of international affiliates.
He will stay on to work with international affiliates and as an adviser.
It is an international affiliate of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Nostalgie has many international affiliates under the same name in the following countries :
About half of the funds come direct from the UK public, the rest is raised by international affiliates.
City Year serves in 24 cities within the United States, with two international affiliates.
The institute is an association of more than 200 shareholder-owned electric companies in this country along with their international affiliates and worldwide industry associates.