They were brought back without their families being told as part of a campaign by the international branch of the Falangist party.
He joined the international branch along with Orion on the same night as a membership drive failed to find other new recruits.
This is the international branch of the Feltrinelli chain.
It has more than thirty national and international branches.
She has supervised the activities of the international branches of this Committee since then.
It also created many branches, local and international.
Like players in a game of Risk, they squabbled over control of the movement's international branches.
The courses were created to educate loyal leaders to the international branches of the Comintern and was planned to last for eight months.
Banco do Brasil, with 4,900 domestic and 45 international branches, has an enormous work force of 119,400.
The church is part of a network of local and international branches.