Curran was also vice chairman of the Seafarer's Section of the International Transportworkers Federation, an international confederation of maritime unions.
The World Medical Association (WMA) is an international and independent confederation of free professional Medical Associations, therefore representing physicians worldwide.
But music executives say that organization, known as ROMS, was expelled from an international confederation of royalty collectors for issuing licenses without authorization from copyright holders.
CIBJO is an international confederation of national jewellery trade organisations.
This is a local part of the international, million-member confederation of environmentalist pressure groups of the same name which operates in over 70 countries.
He urged that every nation establish a national Christian Church and the different established Churches become an international confederation.
Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations working in approximately 90 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty and related injustice around the world.
In January 2010, Lorenzo got involved with the Oxfam international confederation's efforts in assisting support for the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Kim Un-Yong, a member of the I.O.C.'s ruling executive board and president of an international confederation of Olympic sports, has denied any wrongdoing.
The World Cat Congress (WCC) is an international confederation of the biggest international federations and national associations in the cat fancy.