It should be converted into a national service force with an international contingent, ready to serve the national and international communities.
Despite the international contingent, the police violently barred Laino's return.
The 600 exhibitors include an increasingly international contingent.
It is one of Ireland's largest poetry events, with up to 40 poets reading and a major international contingent at recent festivals.
Along with other international contingents, they are keeping the peace.
It also attracted a strong international contingent, particularly from Latin America.
The international contingent, estimated at nearly 2,000 foreign volunteers, is rapidly dwindling.
Croatia has recently resisted the stationing of international contingents on its soil.
The international contingent for the championship have qualified through various means, detailed here:
I would like to highlight that the 1 900-strong international contingent includes 200 military and ordinary police from Romania.