Mr. Kuchma's crackdown on political opposition has added to the international disapproval, and made him unwelcome in most European capitals.
South Africa, unable to obtain new loans abroad since 1985 because of international disapproval of apartheid, faces a fierce budget squeeze.
In the wake of disappointing results and international disapproval for the reintegration program, Ngalaka presented a revamped program on 9 February 2005.
It takes only stepping outside of our borders to note the overwhelming international disapproval of the actions and attitudes that characterize this administration.
Japan has revised its programme to avoid international disapproval.
Khuang was again installed as Prime Minister as the military coup risked international disapproval.
He is counting on international disapproval of air strikes, plus growing distaste for the sanctions, to tilt the political balance in his favor.
But it has spread, largely under a veil of secrecy because the treaty created a climate of international disapproval that states prefer not to flout openly.
The effort was rapidly squashed by the weight of international disapproval, but not before 6,000 Polynesians had been kidnapped.
Now that it has taken military action in reaction to Hamas provocation, it feels the weight of international disapproval.