He was the first great global investor, buying international equities long before other American stock pickers noticed them.
An additional $250 million to $300 million will come from an international equity offering to individual and institutional investors, expected to be begun in October.
This is not a negative call on international equities.
The couple, who live in Austin, have accounts in 17 mutual funds, and nine of them focus on international equities.
Many professional money managers also recommend keeping a significant portion of a portfolio - maybe 10 to 20 percent - in international equities.
It also has deflated the market for such bonds, generating speculation that Japanese companies could turn to international equity and bond issues.
The firm operates as an investment bank both in the domestic and international equity and debt capital markets.
He wanted a briefing about the potential opportunities from the Dilnot report for the international private equity and venture capital market.
The Company was founded in 1873 as an investment trust dedicated to international equities.
It also offers financial analysis in financial areas such as international equities and estate planning services.