Nobody ever said international espionage was going to be easy.
The plaza was a place for nocturnal meetings, although the majority were of a far simpler, far older kind than two men planning international espionage.
Koussa's bookshelves showed an interest, above all, in international espionage and statecraft.
On the other hand, our networks seem to have become the targets of (and channels for) international espionage.
Suddenly it occurred to me that this was, after all, Washington, home office of international espionage, not to mention counterespionage.
Leadville becomes the scene of international espionage and betrayal as world war consumes the planet.
A story that reveals the secrets of international espionage and we'll never know for sure if it really happened, but all can be...
I'm sure they think he is in international espionage or a wheeler-dealer.
This article deals only with international espionage, which is one method of obtaining intelligence (evaluated information) about foreign countries.
Even if you don't work in landmine testing or international espionage, your workplace can be dangerous.