Saying they believed he had been "recruited and prepared to be sent out to die in international jihad," prosecutors described his recorded statement as referring to a fight against the "enemies of Islam."
Kurdish and American soldiers also captured two Islamic fighters alive, including a Palestinian man who appeared to provide further proof of the group's connections to the international jihad.
Omar was a facilitator of international jihad and started Dodd out on small operations, always outside the United States.
Al Qaeda in Iraq would almost certainly never become the headquarters for international jihad.
Time magazine called Karim Bourti: "...a self-described Paris-based recruiter for international jihad."
According to the article Karim Bourti was: "...a self-described Paris-based recruiter for international jihad."
In an audiotape broadcast by Al Jazeera satellite network earlier this month, Mr. bin Laden cited Iraq as the newest front in the terror network's international jihad.
But now it has mutated into an international jihad, and most experts say that means governments must transform themselves, too.
He called religious extremists, including militant sects and a growing movement in support of international jihad, or holy war, a "state within a state" that must be curbed.
"What we're seeing now is a radical international jihad that will be a potent force for many years to come."