As part of its commitment, this school wants to foster strategic agreements with universities, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and to encourage international mobility among its students.
A. There are enormous benefits from the increasing international mobility of capital for investors and corporations and the world.
In March 2012, she announced that some of her objectives were to encourage international mobility and to foster a debate over changes to the labor laws.
The relatively open borders and easy international mobility of the Netherlands makes it an attractive destination for immigrants.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the growing international mobility of goods, capital and technology has completely changed the economic game.
The organization has been cited in its work to further the international mobility of artists and the promotion of cultural exchange through art residencies.
Government support is in no way guaranteed for international geographic mobility.
Location shooting has added a valuable dimension to European movie production, giving directors an international mobility previously unheard of.
Firstly, we must have a detailed survey on the international mobility of students, since none exists at the moment.
The new campus will also be instrumental in facilitating inhouse international mobility for students.