The State Department report also listed some successes, calling 1987 "a difficult, but not hopeless" year in international narcotics control.
"In Colombia, we're creating real deterrence to plantings," said Robert Charles, the assistant secretary of state for international narcotics.
In 1989, Klapper moved to that office's Long Island office, where she developed an expertise in money laundering and international narcotics trafficking cases.
One indicted lawyer, Michael Abbell, was chief of the Justice Department's division that dealt with international narcotics in the early 1980's.
His father is the assistant secretary of state for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs in Washington.
"The Colombians received a very stern message," said Bobby Charles, assistant secretary of state for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs.
This is a goal which workers in international narcotics control all over the world have striven to achieve for half a century.
In order to maintain a lifestyle David Booth was incapable of earning in the marketplace, he had moved into international narcotics.
Some American officials, particularly those in international narcotics and law enforcement, have for months advocated aerial spraying to gain control of the problem.
"Yes, narcotics are readily available," said Anne Patterson, the assistant secretary of state for international narcotics enforcement.