China is both a great power and an international outlaw.
"Noriega has proven himself to be an international outlaw."
Had we not intervened, an international outlaw would today control more than 40 percent of the world's oil.
Now that President Saddam Hussein has been widely branded as an international outlaw, those who supplied him with arms are coming under sharp criticism.
In addition, sanctions let other countries know they will pay an economic price if they choose to become international outlaws.
They view discrediting Iran's democratic oppoosition as the only way to justify reconciliation with an international outlaw.
But this court doesn't eliminate the need for using domestic courts to pursue international outlaws, legal experts say.
Does it brand the state that does it an international outlaw?
Al Qaeda members are international outlaws, like pirates, slave traders or torturers.
The former international outlaw was then flown abroad under United States auspices to a conference of Somali political leaders.