He's the new emerging star in international racing.
At this point in his career, Blundell decided it was time to take his continuing success, and move on to international racing.
Sudduth, who has a background in international racing, dominated his less-experienced opponents.
He did an assortment of 125cc races in 1999, but quickly advanced into international racing after that.
But with such a broad spectrum available, how can fans of international racing keep track of their favorite teams or events?
A coupe version added for '97 quickly proved a winner in international racing.
Part of the international racing and development teams for Severne, Starboard.
Serious international racing is scheduled to begin in 2007 and the future of the class seems assured.
The downhill, with a top speed of about 56 miles per hour, is now being touted as one of the fastest in international racing.
These events give fans in locations not visited by other major series to experience major international racing.