The goal of two independent states has repeatedly been recognized in international resolutions and agreements.
Another date for the visit, he said, would depend on "Israel's commitment to international resolutions".
Secured international resolutions condemning central involvement of China and Taiwan in the illegal wildlife trade.
The statement called the proposed withdrawal "cosmetic and a delusion," saying "Sharon's plan prejudices all final status issues and contravenes international resolutions."
"Israel is responsible for the current escalation because it blocked all efforts seeking peace and has rejected all international resolutions," he said.
This means that collective security may have to evolve towards providing a means to ensure stability and a fair international resolution to those internal conflicts.
In 2009, much greater international resolution has resulted in more control of piracy than in the prior decade, although many pirates still operate from Somalia.
Association agreements, Mr President, must be made conditional on compliance with international resolutions and the non-use of military means to resolve problems.
As for Turkey, our question is whether we are going to demand that Turkey respects human rights and fulfils international resolutions.
Mr President, we are all quite clear that Iraq must comply with international resolutions.