It represents the first step on a long road back to international respectability.
It also aims to symbolize Cambodia's return to international respectability after its long and bloody ordeal.
It is both ungrateful and naive to see this policy only as a cynical ploy to regain international respectability.
Taiwan's search for international respectability will not be easy.
To do otherwise will merely support conservative South Africans in their belief that the country has already changed enough to gain international respectability.
China wanted trade with the West, and international respectability.
They have brought their countries back to international respectability, curbed flagrant human rights violations and sought to build democratic political institutions.
Its main op-ed feature was about China's new yearning for international respectability.
One reason to be hopeful about progress, he added, is that "both sides now crave international respectability."
Whites are also tasting the first fruits of new international respectability.