More than four dozen aliens are on its international track-and-field roster.
An international roster of artists has contributed to this group show, which includes a couple of site-specific pieces.
To insure the project's global scope, they solicited proposals from an international roster of directors and selected 10 for production.
With an international roster of 88 dealers offering 100,000 items, the show is, as always, mind-boggling in quality and quantity.
Ms. Bruce has an international roster of clients.
It also has a number of youth hostels which provide accommodation to an international roster of guests.
It should be considered that his first name is often spelled as Oleg on most of international rosters, particularly during his playing career.
No book has had such a distinguished international roster of translators.
There is also a program of short videos "on/in architecture" by an international roster of young artists.
The jurors, drawn from an international roster of curators, could nominate up to 10 artists.