His repeated travels abroad have enabled him to rub shoulders with many international statesmen.
Yet he thought of himself as a superb international statesman, like Wilson.
An international statesman with the ability to speak more than one language?
It was the most widely publicized gathering of international statesmen for years.
Of course, there is nothing grandiose about that plan, and it doesn't offer photo opportunities for international statesmen.
Crombie has long marketed itself at international statesmen and royals.
National and international statesmen from around the globe attended his funeral.
Just like Bush, Chirac has to deflect public attention away from his own domestic problems by playing big international statesman.
During his absence from Greece for almost two years, he acquired a reputation as an international statesman of considerable stature.
The tour, which is regarded by aides as a great success, has seen the Prince take on an elevated role a an "international statesman".