In response, both local and international supporters have come to their aid.
A few limited gestures were made in the general direction of democracy, thanks to repeated nudging from Mr. Mubarak's most important international supporter, George Bush.
It was primarily members and international supporters of the Italian Communist Party who invented and popularized the term "strategy of tension".
Mr. Arafat has long taken care to distance his cause from Osama bin Laden's in order to avoid alienating international supporters.
The station also benefited from the contributions and experience of international supporters.
Afghan's international supporters have previously requested improvements in the local administrations.
The biggest international supporter of educational programs in the region is the United Nations (UN).
After her suspension and the controversy, Saghal was interviewed by numerous media and attracted international supporters.
The two protagonists and their international supporters can argue interminably, and sometimes even convincingly, to justify their sides' violence.
The poems were written by victims, exiled activists and international supporters.