But the tale meant much to him as an early example of his international theme, the vivid contrast between Europe and America.
Due to its ample size and generous ceiling height, it is primarily used for events based on international themes.
His work deals with both Welsh and international themes.
The stylish new place has dropped the international colonial theme for one that seems to come out of Africa.
The tale reflects the intense interest James took in the "international theme," especially early in his career.
The old examples of fiction with an international theme won't do.
Indeed, the new shows focus explicitly on international themes and artists who are popular with a global audience.
"They operate with political and symbolic intent on international themes," he said.
This is used as a meeting place, and is also a library, housing many books with international themes.
It has a particular focus on a selection of key international themes in the delivery of services and the education of social workers.