Here's a fairly new category: the international financial thriller from Japan.
It's an international thriller, and the budget is huge.
I said this movie is an international thriller,' Rik answered.
Pilgrim now writes a series of international romantic thrillers based on her 24-year career as a CNN journalist.
The stuff of international thrillers, the scandal would ultimately involve Machiavellian intrigue, mysterious death and the loss of more than $1 billion.
Once he bragged that he had read every international thriller ever written, many of them twice.
Formally, and despite what Soderbergh has told interviewers, the picture looks less like a disaster movie than like an international thriller.
This series got me interested in the genre of big-concept, international thrillers.
He lives with his wife, Mary, in Florida His name defines the international thriller.
Martin Cruz Smith is a master of the international thriller.