It is widely estimated that hundreds of millions of Chinese and international viewers around the world have viewed the videos online.
In 1990, however, the amount of news programming produced by CNNI especially for international viewers increased significantly.
Instead, while international viewers take a commercial break, the presenters give a brief update on UK news.
Those not watching on an affiliate which inserts local weather (including international viewers) see a national summary of temperatures from Roker.
The opening theme has not been played since the end of the 2009 season although the closing theme tune still remains for international viewers.
A wider audience among older or international viewers seems unlikely.
Super Bowl commercials are generally limited to the American broadcast of the game-preventing international viewers from watching the game with these often iconic commercials.
Although the show isn't simulcast, international viewers can watch the show online through their website.
In addition Singapore and international viewers do get a timepiece on Primetime Morning.
They have the personality of friends and family to which international viewers can relate.