The Slovene capital market is now more easily accessible, internationally comparable and competitive market.
It was one of the first faculties in country to establish new internationally comparable Bologna 3+2 programmes in 2005.
Global Agewatch's country report cards have the most up-to-date, internationally comparable statistics on population ageing and life expectancy from 195 countries.
Global AgeWatch has the most up-to-date, internationally comparable statistics on population ageing and life expectancy.
In the past few years, it has taken pioneering steps in developing a modern and internationally comparable retail network across the country.
The indicators need to be internationally comparable.
-Providing the global and internationally comparable statistics that reflect today's education needs.
FOR investors, the dream of internationally comparable accounting systems seems to be closer than ever before, and yet tantalizingly far away.
Internationally comparable data on household income are difficult to find.
This method is the most internationally comparable.