Individuals also communicate on different interpersonal levels depending on who they are engaging in communication with.
New Humanism focuses on the overcoming of pain and suffering at a personal, interpersonal and social level.
Hope's work uses industrial objects often designed to his specifications and fabricated in Chinese factories that he works with on an interpersonal level.
The central motivation for including the ingroup in the self parallels the self-expansion model at the interpersonal level.
Kaplan proposed that sexual dysfunction was based on intrapsychic, interpersonal, and behavioural levels.
"They're living their lives on an interpersonal level and on the level of the grid of the 200 million."
AUM is a theory most appropriate for interpersonal and intergroup levels of communication.
Peacebuilding appears between different actors on global, regional, national, local and interpersonal level.
Sure, she had her quarrels with him on an interpersonal level.
Self-control plays a valuable role in the functioning of the self on both individualistic and interpersonal levels.